Thursday, July 18, 2019

In Case You Die . . .


A lovely evening last night at Charm City. I'll blog about it tomorrow. Right now... breakfast and then the Visionary Art Museum. Which I may yet blog about the day after tomorrow.

And from the Image Book . . . 

This was just a joke. I saw the words In case you die... in an advertisement, was tickled by them, and added a goldfish and the words ...have a goldfish. It had nothing to do with The Iron Dragon's Mother.

Yet, strangely enough, the goldfish made it into the novel. Here, from a scene in the goblin market:

A luminous goldfish swam past Cat then darted back to join a dozen of its kind circling a silent smiling-mask-faced gorojumo.

 Mysterious are the ways of creativity.

Above: For those who came in late, as a way of drawing attention to my newly-published novel, The Iron Dragon's Mother, I'm serializing the Image Book I put together as a way of helping me to visualize Faerie and its inhabitants. There are eight more images yet to come.


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