Friday, May 17, 2019

Everything But The Book!


Look what came in the mail yesterday! It's the cover of The Iron Dragon's Mother, scheduled to be published in 39 days.

The Dragonstairs office rug is delighted.

And today's taste of the Image Book . . .

Two pages today: To the left, a first glimpse of Caitlin's brother Fingolfinrhod, a.k.a. Lord Sans Merci, San Merci of Sans Merci presumptive, Rod, Roddie, Fin-fin,Finn, etc. He plays a significant part in the plot.

Believe it or not, That horrible scrawl he's avoiding looking at is a working-out of part of the plot.

On the facing page, the word SCAPEGOAT does not apply to him. It is, however, also a major part of the plot.

I may have already started writing at this point.

Above: For those who came in late, my latest novel, The Iron Dragon's Mother, will be published in 39 days. To draw attention to this fact, I'm serializing the Image Book I made to help me imagine a strange world for the book.

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