
Courtesy of ProMED, which is one of the worthier fruits of the Web, here's an article about a rabid wolf that has bitten six people on the premises of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Kind of screams story, doesn't it?
But let's be honest here. A hot metaphor like this wants to be handled by somebody who understands what it means . . . somebody who feels it in his or her soul. Somebody, in short, Russian. Victor Pelevin would know exactly what to do with this. But I'm going to have to take a pass.
Read and enjoy!
***********************************************************************A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Wed 2 Sep 2009
Source: Utro [In Russian, trans. Mod.ARS, edited]
A rabid wolf has bitten 6 persons on the premises of the Chernobyl atomic power plant, 4 of them employees of SSE Chernobyl and 2 employees of the contractor organization UAB. They did not manage to get away, all were injured and hospitalized. The patients are being treated in the specialized health care facilities of Slavutich and Ivankov cities. The conditions of all are satisfactory. The police patrol shot the rabid wolf the same night. Rabies was confirmed in the animal by the laboratory.
Alexandr Gardetskiy, the attorney of Kievskiy oblast, stated that policing in the Chernobyl zone is not being conducted properly due to staff shortages. He also said that taking radiation contaminated animals, lumber and metal scrap off the Chernobyl zone is common and only 2 policemen patrol the territory daily.
Recently, a rabid stray cat has attacked 5 people in one of the townships in Crimea [Ukraine]. The cat occupied a path and attacked everyone who tried to pass his territory; 5 people were attacked in one day. The cat has been killed and the tests confirmed rabies. The bitten people are on outpatient treatment now. 3 stray dogs and 3 domestic cats suspected of having contact with the sick cat have been exterminated; 62 dogs and 50 cats have been immunized and vaccination continues. Quarantine limitations have been imposed in a 10km [6.2-mile] radius around this Crimean township.
Communicated by:
ProMED-mail Correspondent Vadim Melnikhuman beings in the vicinity of Chernobl
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