Monday, August 12, 2024

Coming Saturday from Dragonstairs Press: BRIEF LIVES


Dragonstairs Press, the micropress--or as she herself calls it, "nanopress"--owned and operated by Marianne Porter, has announced the impending sale of their latest chapbook, Brief Lives, written by yours truly.

Here's the announcement:

The lives of six writers, some you've heard of and others you have not, are quickly summarized in Michael Swanwick's Brief Lives.  These are the saints and martyrs of literature. Some triumphed, some did not.  All of them gave their all.

Issued in an edition of 50, and first distributed at Swanwick's kaffeklatch at the 2024 NASFiC. 38 are offered for sale at, on Saturday August 17, 2024, at noon Philadelphia time (Eastern Daylight Savings).

5 1/2” by 8 1/2”, handstitched, numbered, and signed by the author.

The writers, to satisfy your curiosity, are:

     Edward Mott Woolley

    Judith Merril

    William Fitzgerald Jenkins

    Anna Quinsland

    Octavia Butler

    Jack Woodford

Four of these lives were published some time ago in The New York Review of Science Fiction and have since been lightly revised, and two were written to fill out the chapbook. Of these, it must be admitted that the entry for Judith Merril was more anecdote than biography. 

And don't forget . . .

If you want a copy of the chapbook, remember to set your alarm clock. Only 38 copies will be available for purchase, and at $11.00 domestic (postage included) and only slightly more outside the US, it's expected to sell out quickly.


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