Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Moment of Glory Nears Its Appointed End


Tomorrow is the last day of MidAmeriCon II and on Monday I will dwindle to the stature of former guest of honor.

But in the meantime, life is a hoot. Up above is a photo of me with Sheila Gilbert (left) and Betsy Wollheim, both of DAW Books. Meeting them was a much bigger deal for me than, I'm sure, it was for them. But I have no problem with that.

And now for today's schedule:

11:000 a.m.
Room 2202

2:00 0 2:30 p.m.
Tachyon Booth, Huckster Room

3:00 p.m.
The Secret History of Science Fiction
Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Gordon Van Gelder, Eileen Gunn, and I share the kind of scandal and gossip that doesn't get written down about the founding greats of science fiction

4:00 p.m.
In Memoriam, David Hartwell
David's untimely death left a big hole in the field Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tom Doherty and I (and probably one or two others to sub for Gardner Dozois and Kathryn Cramer, who, alas, couldn't attend) reminisce fondly about the virtues and eccentricities of one of the most significant editors in the field.

And I'll be the Hugo ceremony, but not giving out any of the awards. Presumably that will all be taken care of by everybody's favorite firecracker, the on-beyond-irrepressible Pat Cadigan, who is this year''s Toastmaster.

And there's still more to come!



  1. I hope the last two days of your stint as a GoH are full of moments of glory! (So sorry to be missing it).

  2. Watch out, Marianne -- two smiling cuties, one on each arm....

  3. The best (or worst, depending on your perspective) scandals are the ones that aren't talked about on panels.
