Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hanging With The Losers


Today is the final day of MidAmeriCon II. Tomorrow I dwindle to the stature of ex-guest of honor. Sic semper egoboo.

But last night I was at George Martin's Hugo Losers Party in the glorious Midland Theater. My God, what a beautiful building!The photo above, showing two of the drink stations, doesn't begin to do it justice.  Kyle Cassidy was there, photographing guests. (Joe and Gay Haldeman looked particularly distinguished -- or would have, if Joe weren't wearing a lobster hat.) The Black Crack Revue laid down some serious music. The drinks were free (or, as one sign read, "on the house, courtesy of Random House!"). The company was really, really good.

Do I have to mention Robert Silverberg to convince you of that last part? Marianne and I also got the chance to spend some time with Sebastien and Christine de Castell and caught a fleeting glimpse of the elusive Fran Wilde. Among many, many other friends. So we were content.

Today's final two items (drum roll, please!) are:

2:00 p.m.
MidAmeriCon I: A Conversation
Pat Cadigan, George Martin, and I talk about our very different experiences at the original Kansas City Worldcon.
Tucker Stage (3501A)

4:00 p.m.
Closing Ceremonies
My temporary godhood is removed from me and I dwindle into the West.

People keep asking me, so for the record: Yes, I had a great time. Yes, the con committee treated me well. And I'm grateful on both counts.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you two had a clean getaway. Some people seemed to be having trouble getting out of KC on the way to various destinations. Say "Hello!" to your lovely cat for all of us.
