Thursday, April 5, 2012

What We've All Been Waiting For


I know what you're thinking:  When the hell are we finally going to get a Chinese Kung Fu Steampunk movie?

Soon, my children, soon.

Tai Chi 0 by director Stephen Fung is currently in post production.  That's a promo clip for it up above.  I think I'm going to enjoy this one a lot.

You can read about it here.

And meanwhile, elsewhere in the future . . .

 Google is apparently Beta-testing a lowest-possible-imagination version of Bruce Sterling's  old cyberpunk data spex.  If you wind up with a pair, be sure to read every word of whatever agreement they require you to sign.  I'm betting a lot more of your experience has potential commercial value than you realized.



  1. Well if you're desperate to see a kung fu Steampunk film right now while convalescing, you can see the recent detective Dee film; however I haven't seen it myself, so I can't vouch for it's steampunk credentials...

  2. I thought the Judge Dee movie was a hoot. Which surprised me, given how unfaithful to the Judge Dee books it was. But steampunk? Well... kinda-sorta, maybe.

  3. Yeah, read the contract. I'm suspicious of the part that says Google reserves the right to edit everything you look at.

  4. Never wear the spex when you're working on a story!
