Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Imaginary China


I'm still not in China.  But in my imagination, I am there.  So far, Marianne's been to Beijing, seen the Forbidden City, visited the Summer Palace, walked on the Great Wall, and toured Xi'an.  In Xi'an, my brother-in-law's family treated the entire family, including the two ladies on the tour who were not related but were promoted on the spot to Honorary Family and the tour guide because what the heck.

It makes up for a lot, knowing that she's having the kind of experience I most wish for her.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, that sounds great for her. In my case, I got the "turista" after we returned to Beijing, from foolishly eating a meat bao dze instead of a veggie one.

    When you spend the trip insurance money, consider Chengdu and Lijiang, and near Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge on the upper Yangtze, which will be drowned if current dam(n)-building plans continue.
