Wednesday, April 26, 2023

B & N Pre-Order Sale: It Also Applies to Stations of the tide


I am informed by an alert reader that there is to be a new trade paperback edition of Stations of the Tide, scheduled to be published on January 23, 2024. This will be part of their Tor Essentials line.

If this is something you'd be interested in and if you have the self-discipline to wait nine months before receiving a copy, you should be aware that Barnes and Noble has a pre-order event happening today and tomorrow (Friday, April 29, 2023)--25% off. Only at their website:

End of self-serving commercial

And while we're talking about good deals . . .

If you move fast, you can still get a couple of Avram Davidson e-books FREE, including The Avram Davdson Treasury, which is one of the best short-fiction collections ever. The only other twentieth century collection I can think of that's better is Dubliners by James Joyce.

Sunday was Avram's 100th anniversary. To honor it, his godson Seth Davis has made this swell offer. You can find the details here.


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