Friday, August 27, 2021

A Soft Sell for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science FIction



I just now renewed my subscription to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction for two years.

 F&SF has a distinguished 72-year history of publishing extraordinary and often important fantasy, science fiction, and horror stories. Its run of editors includes many of the best in the genre. The latest editor, Sheree Renée Thomas is just coming into her own right now. (There is always a months-long period when an editor is publishing stories bought by her predecessor.) Among Ms. Thomas's many prior achievements are the Dark Matter anthologies documenting the previously obscured history of Black involvement in science fiction. I am a great fan of those books and am looking forward to what comes next.

Okay, I was going to give the softest of soft-sales there, but my enthusiasm ran away with me. 

Anyway, I want to suggest that you consider subscribing. This is an interesting period in science fiction history and, as usual, F&SF is right in the midst of things.

You can subscribe via PayPal here, or by using a credit card here.

And have you noticed . . .??

There's a similarity in the covers I got from F&SF for my last two stories there, and it's not that both the people shown are Black. 

In both, the artist (Maurizio Manzieri for "Starlight Express," above; and Alan M. Clark for "Dreadnought," below) created an image designed to draw you into the story by giving you an intriguing idea of what it's about... and then, you've read the story, inviting you to look at it again, to see how your understanding of it has changed.

They are both remarkable works, and I am fortunate to have had them attached to my stories.





  1. I subscribed, but the first time I tried, the site appeared to be down.

    Later I thought to try again, and the website was there but the pay-by-credit-card links didn't work.

    I now appear to have successfully subscribed by using Paypal.

    I am glad to have subscribed, but I am troubled by the degree of persistence required.

  2. I looked into this and it turns out that F&SF moved to a new server recently. Apparently, when I Googled the info I got the old server. For the record, the right place to go nowadays is:
