Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My Favorite New Writer



It's been a pleasant Christmas season here in Philadelphia, with homemade candies and cookies, some wonderful meals, and a lot of thoughtful presents. But the big winner on the present front was Sean William Swanwick, who received in the mail a copy of the January-February 2021 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction, containing his first published story, "Humans and Other People."

A writer's first publication is always a big deal for them. But this was particularly so for Sean because he knew Gardner Dozois, the editor of Asimov's for nineteen years, all his life. More than that, Sean worked as Gardner's office manager for the last several years of the Big Guy's life. So the magazine is a kind of second home for him.

Congratulations, Sean! Now, get back to the keyboard.


And I'm sure you want to know . . .

The obvious next question is... Is "Humans and Other People" any good?


Yes, it is a first-rate story. I know that as his father my word is suspect here, but if you're a doubter, buy a copy of the magazine and read it for yourself. More important (to my mind anyway), is the fact that it's not a story I could have written myself. The kid has a good eye and an original mind.

You're going to be hearing a lot more from Sean in coming years. He's  got the stuff.



  1. I don't think anyone at all familiar with ASIMOV'S and the high standards maintained by editor Shelia Williams would ever have suspected that Sean's story could be anything less than good. If it sold to ASIMOV'S then we *know* that it's at least good, and quite possibly very good indeed. I look forward to receiving my subscription copy so I can see for myself.

    Congratulations on your first pro sale, Sean! May it be the first of many.

    Curt Phillips

  2. Congratulations to Sean and mazel tov to you, too, Michael!

  3. Congratulations to him & you!

    I still remember reading, and being impressed by, his essay in the Readercon program book the year you were GOH.

  4. A belated congratulations to you, Sean! This is fantastic news.

    (And congratulations to both your parents for raising such a fine son.)
