Friday, January 17, 2020

Valentine Moons -- SOLD OUT!


Look what my sweetie gave me! Marianne Porter has created a chapbook for Valentine's Day--Valentine Moons. And I was the very first person to receive one!

I think she's sweet on me.

Okay, yes, I was the one who wrote the ten lunar vignettes the chapbook contains. It makes no difference. There's something about receiving a valentine from someone you love that just takes your breath away. Knowing it's coming makes no difference. Like love itself, this is nothing we have any control over.

Here's the description from the website:

Dragonstairs celebrates Valentine's Day!  Ten romantic, moony vignettes.  5 ½ by 5 ½ inches.  Double wrapper, the outer made of Desert Rose handmade paper from Alexandra Soteriou at, with an eccentrically placed replica of a 19th century Queen of Hearts.  Brochure stitch with a red ribbon.  Issued in an edition of 40, of which 32 6 are available for sale.

Shipped domestically, $12. Internationally, $13.

You can find Dragonstairs Press (and place an order, if you'd like)  here.

But a word to the wise. The chapbooks went on sale late last night and already they're almost entirely gone. If you want one, you'd best move fast.

And in late-breaking news . . .

Truer words than the above were never writ. Marianne's really charming chapbooks are all sold. In less than one day, I might well and proudly add.


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