Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Wondrous Strange World


Look what popped up today... a rave review not for The Iron Dragon's Mother, but for The Dragons of Babel, the second book in my accidental fantasy trilogy.

The reviewer (or, almost, essayist) is Jonathan Thornton and the review appears at The Fantasy Hive. I won't say a lot about it because a positive review can be almost as entertaining as a blood-letter, if the reviewer is knowledgeable enough. So you should consider reading it.

The piece does identify the insight that is central to all three books (The Iron Dragon's Daughter being the other): That this is a wondrous strange world we live in, and though we go to fantasy to escape into worlds unlike our own, it is the duty of fantasy to at some point reconnect with reality and comment upon it.

More than that I will not say, because I'm getting perilously close to humblebragging here, and I am a modest man.

You can find the review here.



  1. Sadly not fixed - it’s pointing to just “” at the moment

  2. I clicked it and it took me to The Fantasy Hive and the review. Here's the URL direct:

  3. Thanks. The link now works for me too - perhaps I was looking at a cached version? Perhaps the machine revolution has started?
