Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Enter the Audiobook


Look what came in the mail today. Apparently, the audiobook of The Iron Dragon's Mother is being published simultaneously with the print book.

The Dragonstairs Press rug is delighted with it. You will be too.

And from the Image Book

Caption: Annise? (She looks like her)

This is a doctored fashion shot, most likely from The Wall Street Journal. As for the name... It took me forever to get the names of the female dragon pilots (besides Caitlin there are only a dozen) right. Annise ultimately became Fiona (of whom Ysault once said, "Fiona is a pill and a spazz") when I decided they should all have Irish names.

Above: The Iron Dragon's Mother is on the stands! And I'm continuing with the images from the Image Book until the whole thing is complete.
