Friday, June 7, 2019

Bones of the Earth ebook Sale!!!


The Open Road Media team have just informed me that one of my ebooks will be on sale tomorrow. In their words:

I am pleased to let you know that Bones of the Earth will be featured in Early Bird Books (EBB), our daily deals newsletter with more than 400,000 subscribers, on 6/8/2019. The ebook will be downpriced to 1.99 across all US retailers on that day, and Open Road will promote the feature via social media.

You can subscribe to EBB here so that you'll get the direct link to the deal on the day that it appears in the newsletter.

And, oh yes . . .

The head above came originally from an art magazine or else an advertisement for something industrial. But I added a pleasant smile to it. That makes all the difference, I think.

Above: For those who came in late, my latest novel, The Iron Dragon's Mother, will be published in 18 days. To draw attention to this fact, I'm serializing the Image Book I made to help me imagine a strange world for the book.


  1. The head looks more like a corrosion cast of a heart, showing the coronary circulation. To me, at least.

  2. MAYbe. That doesn't ring in my memory, though.
