Monday, May 13, 2019

Anna Kashina in Books-a-Million


On Saturday, Marianne and I jaunted to Books-a-Million in Springfield, PA for Anna Kashina's book signing there. There she is, up above, autographing a copy of Shadowblade, newly published by Angry Robot. I bought a copy  and you should consider doing likewise.

And immediately below is the cover of her book. It looks terrific.

You'll note that the blurb mentions her ability to describe sword fights.That's because she belongs to a group called Modern Gladiatorial Arts, dedicated to the practice of mock-combat which sword, singlestick, and related weapons. They were present for the event and giving free demonstrations and lessons during the event.

So quite a festive time was had by all.

And today's page from the Image Book . . .

I like this one, the mask in particular. A lot of the characters in my novel are wearing masks. They just happen to be their real faces is all.

Above: For those who came in late, my latest novel, The Iron Dragon's Mother, will be published in 43 days. To draw attention to this fact, I'm serializing the Image Book I made to help me imagine a strange world for the book.



  1. Thank you for being there! This was one of the highlights that made the event so special for me!

  2. Sounds like a swordid affair!

  3. Btw all the Books-A-Million in the DC area seem to have closed. Glad to hear there's at least one still going somewhere...
