Thursday, December 28, 2017

Chasing the Phoenix and Dancing With Bears in Russia


I'm making the final changes to The Iron Dragon's Mother, which is why, of late, I haven't been as active here I should be. But I can't help sharing the good news that I'm in print in Russia again!

There up above are Dancing With Bears and Chasing the Phoenix. Presented with the usual Russian flair for graphic design.

I've always wondered what Russian readers think of Darger and Surplus's adventures in their country. I did take some liberties with the facts. And with Moscow. But my respect for and admiration of the Russian people is genuine. So I'm hoping that they didn't take offense.

Above: Photo by my friend Alexei Bezouglyi. Thanks, Alexei!



  1. You're always welcome, Michael! To be your friend is always a great privilege to me.

    And a bit later I'll certainly drop you a couple of lines with your Russian readers' response to your novels.

    With all the best wishes to you, your family and friends,

    typical russian Alexei

  2. Michael, I am really impressed by the quality of cover illustrations your books seem to inspire in artists. I'm sure there are some authors who feel that some of their books were sunk by lousy cover art. By the way, have any bilingual fans reported on the quality of the translations of your works? I hope you also have been well-served by your translators.

  3. Thank you, Alexei. I appreciate that.

    Sandy, no, they haven't. Well, there have been a couple of dropped comments on bad translations. But nobody thinks to praise the good ones.
