Thursday, July 27, 2017

Domani il Mondo Cambiera


Look what arrived in the mail today!  Mondadori has published a new paperback edition of Domani il Mondo Cambiera. Which, in the original English, is my novel Stations of the Tide. Translated by Marco Pinna. Cover art by Andrea Falsetti

And that's pretty much all I can say about it. Like most Americans I am, alas, monolingual. At least I have the decency to be ashamed of this fact.

And if you're going to be in Chengdu this November...

I'll be a guest at the Fourth China (Chengdu) International SF Conference on 10th through 12th of November in Chengdu, China. Science Fiction World has its offices in Chengdu and I am proud to say that they have published many of my stories over the years. So I am particularly delighted to be returning for a third time to the home of the famous thatched hut of the poet Du Fu.

If you're going to be at the convention, be sure to say hello.



  1. This is both cool and awesome.

    I too am still working on English as a first language (and have a long way to go to mastery).

    Still, you are one step closer to global domination. Congrats!

  2. Don't hate on yourself for knowing only one language, learn one! OK maybe your schedule doesn't give time for it. But there is a lot rhetoric out there to the effect of you really have to start at age two or you'll never be fluent...

    At least don't buy into that. Everyone knows at least someone who speaks English as a foreign language fluently but with an accent or grammatical errors, who probably learned English as and adult or an adolescent. "Fluent" doesn't mean "flawlessly".

    All I am saying is, if you really want to you can learn another language at least to the point of literacy. And if you don't care to, don't be ashamed.
