Wednesday, February 15, 2017

This Glitterati Life -- Part 46,872


The institution doesn't really have a name. Sometimes it's called The Writers' Brunch, sometimes The SF Brunch, and other variants. My attempts to rename it Purdom's Raiders met with widespread lack of enthusiasm.

At any rate, after a hiatus of quite some time, the roughly-bimonthly brunch has been resurrected. We ate, we talked, we sat around. Mostly, we talked.

Above: A picture I call Men in Black. From left to right: Lawrence Schoen, Chris Urie, and Samuel R. Delany.

Below: Fran Wilde, Samuel R. Delany, and Your Humble Correspondent in a completely unposed photograph. Would I lie to you?

And as always . . .

As of tomorrow morning, I'm on the road again. This time I'm headed for Boston and Boskone, that great city's illustrious science fiction convention.

If you're going to be in attendance, why not say hello?

Above: Top photo is copyright 2017 and used by the kind permission of Fran Wilde. Bottom photo is copyright 2017 and used by the even more kind permission of the the M. C. Porter Endowment for the Arts.


1 comment:

  1. I just found out that one of your character's name is Carlos Quivera and I found that very interesting because that's my real name. Our family is very small and our last name is rare, there's only 2 Carlos Quivera in the world and that's my cousin and me. I was wondering, how did you come out with the name?
