Friday, May 27, 2016

Baltimore! City of Magic! City of Light!


As always, I'm on the road again. This time I'm going to Baltimore. I'll be at Balticon, where I'll be teaching a writers' seminar on Saturday. On Sunday, I'm scheduled for a panel, an autograph session, and a reading. If you're there, be sure to say hello.

Above: Mis Hope has figured out that a suitcase means we're going to leave her in the care of the Son for the weekend. So, as always, she is taking action to prevent this from happening by camping out on top of the suitcase. If she's sitting on it, we can't pick it up. And if we can't pick it up, we can't leave.

It's a flawlessly logical line of reasoning. And yet, somehow, it never works.



  1. Not Cleveland, eh? No wonder magic comes before light.

  2. Not Cleveland, eh? No wonder magic comes before light.

  3. Hello,

    I was really looking forward to attending this, and it was my main reason for going to to Balticon 50. I arrived, and via a series of misadventures learned that I was not allowed to attend your workshop because I did not pre-pay. The website, Facebook page, etc., did not indicate to me that I needed to pay in advance - sadly I learned this after paying to attend the Con. The posted schedule of events had no note that it was reserved as a pre pay event either. Also, the website glitched so badly I gave up trying to search it. I was not happy to go all that way and then miss your workshop. The Con seemed poorly organized. The provided rooms were too small for many events I attended, and authors were double booked so I missed out on several things I wanted to do. Overall, if Balticon 50 had been a restaurant I'd have sent my food back to be properly prepared, and or requested a refund.

    Do you plan to do this workshop format again?


  4. I haven't decided yet whether I'll be doing this again. But I know that it will be done again. Chuck Gannon's formula seems to work well and the consensus of the teachers was that it had been a good experience.

    As for me personally... At the end of the seminar, my students said they were pleased with what they'd learned, which is half the battle won. The other half is whether I honestly believe they learned enough to justify the money they were charged, and for that I've got to think long and hard and self-critically. I'm sure that I was of some use to them. But was it enough?

    I'll pass along your comments verbatim to the Balticon programming people. They should help keep the unfortunate things that happened to you from recurring. Thank you for sharing them in detail.

  5. She is. Miss Hope is an ASPCA bengalensus.
