Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Grand Roscon Award


Strange but happy news. I'm just returned from Moscow, where I attended Roscon, the Russian national science fiction convention. One thing they do at national science fiction conventions is to give out awards. In Russia, it's the Roscon Award... for Best Novel, Best Short Story, and so on. I'll be sharing those results as soon as a friend forwards them to me.

One of them I know already, however. It's the Grand Roscon Award for achievement in science fiction. Which this year went to... me.

You have no idea how humbling it is to receive such a thing in a country that is home to Isaac Babel, Victor Pelevin, Anna Akhmatova, and the Strugatsky Brothers.

And now back to battling jet-lag. I'll have more to say about Roscon in the coming week.


  1. That's a handsome trophy, to be humble about... ;-]'

  2. It's not just an award, it's a diploma. Says so right up top.

  3. WooHOO! Congratulations. Could not have been awarded to a more deserving recipient!
