Wednesday, February 3, 2016

In which I casually mention tha..t THE DALA HORSE, my new collection, is coming your way...

I'm working on the page proofs for THE DALA HORSE, my new collection of short fiction from Tachyon Publications. So far, I've gone over the stories and have moved on to the copyright notices. You'd think that would be easy, but no. Mistakes are like cockroaches. They want to abandon the cold Outside and move into your nice, warm house or book. It's almost impossible to keep them out.

Which is why I haven't posted today.

But, not having posted today, allow me to make the following announcement:

My new collection, THE DALA HORSE, is coming out this August. It will be available to be bought and autographed at MAC 2, this year's Worldcon. Where, entirely coincidentally, I will be guest of honor.

John Clute once told me that to serious book collectors, a dated autograph only increases the book's value when it's the year of publication or the day the author does something significant, like win an award or commit suicide. I jokingly tell my friends that if they come upon me signing all my old books, they should buy me a drink and cheer me up

But a book signed-and-dated when I'm goh at a Worldcon during the year of publication? Priceless. Or, anyway, worth slightly more than it was when I scribbled in it.

Verb sap.This is yet another reason you should attend the Worldcon.



  1. Nice to hear - I reckon you're well due for a new collection.

    You mention mistakes creeping everywhere. And the first mention of the book gives it the title "THE DALE HORSE".

    Unless you're just being meta. Hard to judge at breakfast time without coffee...

  2. Ouch. My bad. Correction made. Thanks for pointing it out.

    I try tot to get meta. Butt meta is like mistakes. It wants to be where it's not wanted.

  3. I will not make it to WorldCon, but I will certainly order a copy as soon as they are available to order!


