Friday, February 12, 2016

Coming in August . . . THE DALA HORSE!


Here we go, kids! My newest collection comes out in August. And here's what the publisher, Tachyon Publications, has to say about it:

The Dala Horse

by Michael Swanwick
ISBN: 9781616962289
Published: August 2016
Available Format(s): Trade Paperback and Digital Books

The master of literary science fiction returns with this dazzling new collection. Michael Swanwick takes us on a whirlwind journey across the globe and across time and space, where magic and science exist in possibilities that are not of this world. These tales are intimate in their telling, galactic in their scope, and delightfully sesquipedalian in their verbiage.

Join the caravan through Swanwick’s worlds and into the playground of his mind. Travel from Norway to Russia and America to Gehenna. Discover a calculus problem that rocks the ages and robots who both nurture and kill. Meet a magical horse who protects the innocent, a semi-repentant troll, a savvy teenager who takes on the Devil, and time travelers from the Mesozoic who party till the end of time…

Which must be true, because what possible motivation would a publisher have to lie?

And here's a link to the table of contents.

And in case you noticed...

I didn't manage to make the time for a blog post on Wednesday because I just spent two days working on the application for a Russian visa. Which process is, appropriately enough, a bear.

And why, you ask, am I applying for the visa? More on this very question on Monday.

And also . . .

Not this weekend but next, I'll be at Boskone! If you're going to be there, be sure to say hello.

And . . .

I have so much news to pass along that I'll be making an unprecedented second Friday blog post later today! Wow.



  1. You might want to look at Amazon's listing for THE DALA HORSE. I don't know if you can do anything about it and it's early days yet, so maybe it doesn't much matter.

    But Amazon has conflated your coming book from Tachon and the Tor digital edition of the story. As a result, the two-star review that someone gave the Tor-released story is being stuck on your as-yet-unreleased book.

  2. Looking forward to a lettered copy like 'The Dog Said Bow-Wow' . Congratulations!
