Friday, February 19, 2016

A Refusal to Apologize Which Nevertheless Sounds an Awful Lot Like an Apology

Last week, I missed the Wednesday post here. Two days ago, I did it again.

So what's going on?

Well, I've been writing. It's not that I have nothing to say -- things and things and things continue to happen. But the novel I've been working on since well before I finished Chasing the Phoenix caught fire and I've been moving forward at a pace unimaginable a year ago. I am enrapt. My imagination is all entangled with the world I have created. The time comes comes to blogpost and it feels like an infidelity.

Honest to God, I want to entertain you. But I feel the call of my novel and, behind it, time's winged chariot.

So here's my promise: If I can steal the time, I'll keep you apace of current developments. If not, I'll feel guilty I didn't.

Um.. that's all, I guess.



  1. I hope you don't really need us to tell you that we'd rather have you writing stories than putting up blog posts here.

    Please, write away!

    And if you have something to share with us here, that's great, because we are interested, and you probably need a break from your novels and short stories.

  2. Feel free to not feel guilty....

    And remember: *The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.

  3. Michael, I think it was the author of THE DEMOLISHED MAN who said, "The book is the boss."

  4. Guilt is way underrated as a motivator. Don't absolve him!
