Monday, August 3, 2015

Darger & Surplus Explained!


Episode 243: Michael Swanwick and his two rogues | The Coode Street Podcast

This is a great week for anybody who's ever wondered about Darger & Surplus -- where they came from and where they're going to.  From very close to the beginning, I've had an overall plan for their adventures... which are not as random as they sometimes look.

I've explained everything -- twice.  First, in a conversation on Gary K. Wolfe's and Jonathan Strahan's Coode Street Podcast.  And then in "A Brief History of the Notorious Tricksters Darger and Surplus," an essay on the Tor/Forge Books blog.

You can find the Coode Street Podcast here. Or you can click the link above.

And you can find the Tor/Forge essay here.

And I'll be reading in Brooklyn this September . . .

I'll put my updated schedule of appearances up here tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I very much enjoyed the podcast. While I understand not sticking around for the consequences, I still wish I could see more of Anya Pepsicolova.
