Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Last of What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage?


Over the course of several years, I read (or reread) every book James Branch Cabell ever wrote.  Then I penned a slim-book-length monograph, sorting and ordering the entire oeuvre.  I may be the only person ever to have done so.

What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage? was published by Temporary Culture in 2007.

Now there are only five copies remaining.  If you need one -- and those who do know who they are -- this is pretty much your last chance at an affordable price.

You can order it here.



  1. Excellent! I was wondering where I could find a copy. Now there are only 4 left....

  2. So, whatever happened to Catalogue of Unique Works in the Library and Private Collections of Michael Swanwick?

  3. I think that was one of Henry's private jokes. My own preferred title was Infinitely Collectable: Unique and Unobtainable Literary Works by Michael Swanwick.

  4. Or maybe, The Necronimi-Swan?

    Sorry about that. Really.
