Monday, September 15, 2014

This Glitterati Life: Adam Cusack's Spook Buggy


Saturday, Marianne and I jaunted out to West Philly for a book launch at Locust Moon Books.  The book in question was Spook Buggy,  a graphic novel by artist-writer Adam Cusack about a woman who finds herself suddenly extracted from life without actually being dead.

It is, I have to say, kind of a hoot to be by far the oldest person in a room full of talented, ambitious, energetic young artists of various stripes.  In addition to Cusack's book and samples of his art, there were works by other artists inspired by his book, a three-song CD, and even Spook Buggy earrings  by Rosemari Lane.

In the end, I bought the book, the CD (the songs, sung by Adam Cusack himself, were surprisingly good; I'll fill you in on the composer and instrumentalists as soon as my son Sean returns the CD), and a pair of the earrings. You can see Lane's unrelated jewelry here.)

I don't see a specific site where you can buy Spook Buggy, but you can go to the Locust Moon site and poke around here.

And as always . . .

I'm on the road again.  I apologize for the brevity of this post that fact made necessary.

Above:  That's Adam posing with some of his art.  The man knows what to do when you point a camera at him.


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