Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Geek Highways: Organizing the Electronics


Marianne and I assembled all the electronic devices we plan to bring along on the Geek Highways expedition.  On the one hand, rather a lot.  On the other, fewer than I expected we'd take.

In my old age, I confidently expect to have the following conversation:

Young Person:  Why did you take so much stuff with you?

Old Me:  Well, we planned to take lots of pictures, maybe a movie or three, read some ebooks...

Young Person:  Why didn't you just use your iRing for all that?

YP has a good point, I'll confess.  Why does the future always take so long to get here?



  1. Why even go on an expedition? Just send your iPerson!

  2. "Why does the future always take so long to get here?"

    To quote (or perhaps paraphrase) William Gibson: "The future is here; it's just not evenly distributed."

  3. I'm sure you won't forget the 13 or 14 un-photogenic battery charges that you'll need for all that lovely iCandy.
