Friday, August 30, 2013

And As Always . . .


I'm on the road again.  Early, early this morning I get on an airplane and fly to San Antonio, Texas, where I suspect I'll be too busy to visit the Alamo, despite the urgings of my friends to do so.

I'll just say I forgot.

In the meantime, here's my LoneStarCon 3 schedule.  If you're going to be there, be sure to say hi.


How to Sell to Ellen Datlow (Guest of Honor, Panel), Fri 20:00 - Fri 21:00

Gardner Dozois
Eileen Gunn (M)
Caroline Spector
Michael Swanwick

This one is astonishingly simple:  Write a really, really good story.  We should be able to wrap it up in five minutes.


How to Write a Short Story (Industry, Panel), Sat 11:00 - Sat 12:00 
Kij Johnson
Vylar Kaftan (M)
James Patrick Kelly
Cat Rambo
Michael Swanwick

This one, on the other hand, will take weeks to cover, even superficially.

Autographing   Sat 13:00 - Sat 14:00
Michael Swanwick

I sit behind a table and shmooze while scribbling my name in books.

Reading), Sat 15:00 - Sat 16:00
Michael Swanwick

I've almost got the story cut down to a reasonable length.  I'll probably finish the job on the plane.

The Leisure Society: Phantom or Just around the Corner? (Real World, Panel), Sat 19:00 - Sat 20:00,  
Fred Lerner (M)
Mark Oshiro
Michael Swanwick
Shanna Swendson

Wow!  This really takes me back.  It's the kind of substantive speculative panel that used to be standard at conventions. 


The Twain Shall Meet: Samuel Clemens and SF/F (Literature, Panel), Sun 11:00 - Sun 12:00, 006B 
Gardner Dozois
Eileen Gunn (M)
John Purcell
Michael Swanwick
Takayuki Tatsumi
Walter Jon Williams

Ol' Sam was a really, really good SF writer.   

Plucking Flowers in the Stranger Realms (Literature, Panel), Sun 14:00 - Sun 15:00 
Nancy Kress (M)
Joe Lansdale
Michael Swanwick
Jacob Weisman

This appears to be another panel in praise of Ellen Datlow.  Who certainly deserves it and more.

Kaffeeklatsch  Sun 16:00 - Sun 17:00, Riverview (Riverwalk)
Michael Swanwick

Just hanging out and chewing the fat with fans.  The Riverwalk is a very nifty place indeed.  I almost said 'cool,' but given what the temperature is likely to be . . .

SIGMA in Action (Science, Panel), Sun 17:00 - Sun 18:00, 007A (160) (Convention Center)
Arlan Andrews (M)
Charles E. Gannon
G. David Nordley
Michael Swanwick

Did you know that Frederik Pohl used to do all kinds of speculative consulting for the U.S. government?  If he could, so can I.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Michael,
    I hope someone on the Twain panel mentioned "The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut"(1976)as an example of Twain's fantasy stories. I bet a dozen authors have swiped ideas from this gem.
