Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tor Party! Tonight! And You're Invited!


I'll be in Manhattan tonight for a publishing party celebrating's fifth anniversary.  I presume you all know about, which functions as a combination fiction e-zine and high-end e-fanzine.  Which is to say, several first-rate stories every month (when you pay top rates, you get first pick), along with lots of columns and articles about matters stfictional.  As they used to say, long before my day.

This is the sort of publishing event that professional writers attend on a semi-regular basis.  Except that this particular one is not exclusive.  If you want to attend, you may -- and, indeed, should.  Because if this is the sort of event that seems to be cool to you, you're the kind of person that Tor is throwing the party for.

Here's what they have to say for themselves:

For the milestone of turning 5 Earth-years old, we’ll be offering up complimentary drinks, swag, free book giveaways, other special birthday goodies, but also, a show. At the start of the festivities we’ll be hosting Lev Grossman, Ellen Datlow, Genevieve Valentine, and Michael Swanwick in an exclusive SF trivia contest. Hosted by Ryan Britt, and featuring secret prizes and exciting stakes, this spectacle is not to be missed. Come place your bets on your contender
It will all go down at Housing Works Bookstore and Café in New York City on Wednesday July 24th, 6:30 PM. All the staff will be on hand to hang out, have a glass of complimentary wine/beer, and talk about the greatness of the last five years. Join us for this once-in-this-universe special birthday party! 
And if you  attend, be sure to say hi.
