Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Miss Helen Hope Mrrrlees


Today is Miss Helen Hope Mrrrlees's rebirthday.  Two years ago to the day, Marianne and I dropped into the Montgomery County ASPCA and fell in love with a tiny little cat we thought was still a kitten.  It turned out that Miss Hope was so slight because she was half starved.  Over the next couple of months, she almost doubled her weight, becoming . . . a slim, svelte cat.

Miss Hope is a Bengal, a breed created by crossing Asian wildcats with tabbies, and so she's separated from the jungle by only a handful of generations.  Bengels have long tails, large eyes, spots, an incredible stretch, and it was only after we got her home that we learned that they're "for experienced cat owners only."  Which is to say, they're very active and need lots of attention.  Miss Hope is a bit of jock, I'm afraid.

Luckily, Marianne and I have owned many cats over the years, so this is not a problem.

Happy Rebirthday, Miss Hope!  I trust you'll consider extending our contract.

Above:  Miss Hope reminds you that it's time to put up your holiday lights.  And then take a nap.



  1. Happy rebirthday, Miss Hope! And, two words for you, sir: Laser pointers. The perfect tool for the writer with an active cat. :-)

  2. All my past cats loved laser pointers. I tried with Miss Hope but she simply looked intensely at the red dot and then went to me and touched the hand holding the laser with her nose. Then she went away.

    "I know that one," she was saying.
