Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ancient Engines


I'm online again!  The Drabblecast has just posted their podcast of my story, "Ancient Engines." 

I've always felt particularly fond of this story because of the following passage which lies at the very heart of its argument:

"I remember an incident happened to my late father-in-law, William Porter.  He was a fine fellow, Bill was, and who remembers him anymore?  Only me."  The old man sighed.  "He was a bit of a railroad buff, and one day he took a tour through a science museum that included a magnificent old steam locomotive.  This was in the latter years of the last century.  Well, he was listening admiringly to the guide extolling the virtues of this ancient engine when she mentioned its date of manufacture, and he realized that he was older than it was."  Brandt leaned forward.  "This is the point where old Bill would laugh.  But it's not really funny, is it?”

This always makes me smile because it's a true story and one which my late father-in-law, William Porter, used to tell on himself with great zest.    The old man in the story was completely right.  Bill was a fine fellow.  He's greatly missed.

You can hear the story here.  Or you can go the podzine and poke around here

And if you're in the Big Apple tonight . . .

Why not help me celebrate Ursula K. Le Guin at the Center for Fiction?  I don't think the great lady will be there.  But there'll be a panel moderated by David Hartwell, with Ellen Kushner, me, John Wray, and N.K. Jemisin.  How could it fail to be entertaining?

Details here.


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