Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Winter Is Coming -- Also, Renovation!


Here's my Worldcon schedule, for anybody who might like to saunter up to me at Renovation and say hello:

Thu 15:00 -16:00 mass signing for the Asimov's 30th anniversary anthology 
Location not yet set.  Maybe at the Tachyon Publications table? 

I'll just be wandering around.
Sat 11:00 - 12:00, Autographing: Michael Swanwick Sat 11:00 Hall 2 Autographs (RSCC)

Sat 12:00 - 13:00, The Craft of Writing Short Science Fiction and Fantasy
Adam-Troy Castro (M), Jay Lake, Connie Willis, Michael Swanwick, Robert Reed
This panel could be extremely good.  We all know tons and tons about the subject.  But can we explain it all coherently and in a manner that will cut years off the apprenticeship of all the gonnabe writers in the audience?  There's only one way to find out.
Sat 14:00 - 15:00, SF: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow  (Dialog) A11 (RSCC) 
Jim Kelly and me. 
That's it.  That's all the description there is.  I wrote to Jim to ask for his ideas, and he wrote back, "Oh, I'm sure we'll have plenty to say.  We always have."  So this one is either going to be brilliant or else it'll be a total bomb.  In a way, this is the kind of panel I like best . . .  Up on the high wire with no assurance I know what I'm doing and no safety net.
Sat 17:00 - 18:00, Literary Beer: Michael Swanwick: Sat 17:00, Hall  Bar (RSCC)
Michael Swanwick and Jack Skillingstead
Folks get to sign up to sit at a table and chat with Jack and me.  If only a few do so, we'll be at the same table.  But we'll probably both have a table to ourselves.   I always find these things pleasant.
Sun 12:00 - 12:30, Reading: Michael Swanwick (Reading), A15 (RSCC)
After the reading, I'll do the usual signing-the-typescript-and-leaving-it-behind thing.  And I'll also leave a partial typescript of something I'm still working on.
Sun 13:00 - 14:00, Discussing Best Related Work (Panel), A05 (RSCC)
Farah Mendlesohn (M) Chris Garcia, Amy Thomson, Claire Brialey, Michael Swanwick, Stephen H. Segal

This one was Farah's idea.  She thinks the lineup of nonfiction this year is so extraordinary it deserves an extraordinary discussion.  It's probably going to be a brilliant panel.  There are some brilliant people on it anyway.
Sun 14:01  Marianne will return from the desert, swooping down on the convention like an eagle, and she will pick me up, drop me in a rental car, and drive off into the sunset with me.  And I shall be happy.

And because folks on Facebook have asked . . .

The Liars Club set up a page with info about their benefit party for L.A. Banks.  Those who'd like to contribute money to help pay her medical bills will find a donation button there.  Click here.

Above:  I've formed the habit of photographing my breakfast and posting it on Facebook.  This morning:  sprite melon.  See what you're missing by not having an account?



  1. I know it would be cheating all of the attendants who paid to attend the conference but--at the least--I wish there was a video live feed of some of these events for the rest of us who can't be there. The Craft of Writing Short Science Fiction and Fantasy sounds particularly amazing.

    Literary Beer sounds like something I would love to experience first hand.

    As amazing as you are, and your breakfast by association, I'm gonna keep holding out of the facebook thing.

    Have a fun time there.

  2. I don't think it would be cheating the attendees -- there's a sensation of participation you get at live events which can't be captured by virtua. But Worldcons are difficult enough to put on as it is. Live feeds would add another layer of things to g wrong.

    I do plan to have fun at the convention . . . and then I'll disappear into the desert. A fine and mythic ending to it all.
