Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yet More Commercial Art

And I'm on the road again!  Today I'm off to the Nebula Awards, where I'm serving as MC and toastmaster. 

Don't forget the mass autographing tomorrow.  Lots and lots of big name writers and, even more importantly, new and unknown writers who are going to be big name writers soon.  If you get their autographs now, you have bragging rights forever.

Here's the info:

May 20          Nebula Awards Mass Signing -- FREE!
                        5:30-7:00 p.m.
                        Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Avenue NW
                        Washington, DC

And just because I like you . . .

Here's a commercial that Lou Anders found somewhere.  Nicely done, eh?



  1. Brilliiant! Thanks to you and Lou. Have a great time at the Nebulas.

  2. 森の木琴 = Wood xylophone. For what it's worth.

    Thanks for posting.

    Wish I could show up at the Hilton for the signing. With great good timing (not!), I'll be up in Baltimore.
