Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Viva Australia!


As weary as you must be of reading these words, I'm on the road again!

But, mirabile dictu, Shaun Tan's Oscar-winning short The Lost Thing is on the Web.  Whole and Intact!  With French subtitles!

Okay, that last bit gives me pause.  Which is why I didn't swipe the embed code and paste the movie here.  But the website which Gregory Frost pointed me toward doesn't look like a pirate site.  So if you haven't yet seen this moving and beautiful animation, I recommend you do so immediately.  You can find it here.  Or on YouTube, of course.

Tan's movie was narrated by Tim Minchin, incidentally.  If that name means nothing to you, then you really, really need to watch the following video to learn why thinking people everywhere love and admire this snarky young man.

Both Shaun Tan and Tim Minchin are Australians.  It looks like things are really hopping on the artistic front there.



  1. Shaun Tan rocks.
    Tim Minchin rocks.

    But wait - there's more! It turns out Tripod rock too.

    I urge anyone with a thread of geekiness in their makeup to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IgVPnhmVNE


  2. Wow, I only recognized this fellow's name because he published an illustrated/comic book (sad to say I don't even know which of these it is because I haven't read it yet) and because I saw his illustrations in Kelly Link and Howard Waldrop short story collections. And now he's an Oscar winner! Time to motivate myself and find out more about his work...
