Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scribbledehobbledehoyden: The Magpie's Eye: Page 36


Not a great doodle, but at least a lively one.  The many-eyeballed one appears to be horrified by the activities in the picture.  Which was taken from a Taschen catalog.  The tome it illustrated was a picture book about middle-aged lower-middle-class American swingers.  Taschen produces great art books at very low prices.  Its sex books are strictly a matter of taste.



  1. Hard to tell which shapes are the actual eyes, but my first thought was: Ningauble of the Seven Eyes. I don't think we ever knew what his face looked like -- it's been a few decades since I last read the books, but I vaguely recall you could see the eyes floating about, but the face was hidden by the hood of his cape ...

  2. I can't imagine Ningauble would be that upset about swingers. Unless they were interdimensional swingers.

  3. Ahhh, Ningauble. One of my favorite characters ever.
