Monday, September 13, 2010

And I Almost Didn't Blog Today . . .


I had a great blog half-written for today, a recommendation of a new and pretty much unknown writer whom you should keep an eye on.  But, unfortunately for blogdom, I picked up a half-written story this morning, started working on it, and as of now I have The Man in Grey all but completed.

But it's still Monday!  And so, technically, I have not let you guys down.

Um . . .  that's all I had to say.

Above:  The awards ceremony for the Philadelphia Horticultural Society city gardens competition, for which Marianne is a judge, was held in the Urban Outfitters building in the Naval Yard this year.  Here I am standing in front of a piece of corporate art titled Icarus.  Behind the fan is a saddle and behind the saddle is a parachute.  Anyone who knows how I can arrange to sit in the saddle and have the fan turned on is urged to contact me!



  1. Hello Mr.Swanwick, and a good evening to you. I know you like to get some inspiration from artwork as apposed to other authors and stories, so I figured I would send you a link to my gallery of Photography and artwork, which can be found here---

    Also wondering if you have any info on your Darger & Surplus novel, like a street date or what have you.
    Eagerly waiting,

  2. Unless I'm mistaken (the title seems to have changed) that fan was created by artist Jordan Griska. It's operated by rowing, as you can see in these photos from his website:

    When he debuted the piece, it resulted in a trip to the hospital for him, so be careful what you wish for...

  3. Thanks for sharing your work, Shawn. I liked it a great deal.

    The Darger & Surplus novel, DANCING WITH BEARS, will be published in May 2011. Which sounds like a very long time, but is actually pretty much standard for publishing.

  4. Ouch, Alison! It really does seem like creating something that beautiful should not involve a trip to the ICU.

    According to the articles I read, the piece was named Sisyphus at the time of the accident and changed to Icarus sometime thereafter. A better title, but the price for finding it was way too high.
