Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The End of the World . . . and What Comes After


Yesterday, just after posting the last of the Tuckerizations, I appropriately enough received my contributor's copy of The End of the World:  Stories of the Apocalypse.  Edited by Martin H. Greenberg (may he recover swiftly from his current illness) with an introduction by Robert Silverberg.  It contains what is either my first or second published story, "The Feast of Saint Janis."

And it provides a good jumping-off spot for an announcement.  I'll be on the road for all of next week, off to Edinburgh and the Festival Fringe . . . which I am attending, mirabile dictu, just for the fun of it!  I have no obligations, no duties, no speeches, no appearances to make.  I'll just be reveling in avant- and retro-garde theater.  I may drop in on a friend or two.

So I have no idea how often I'll be blogging.  A lot depends on how much trouble it is to get a connection.  If it's easy, I'll blog often -- the Fringe is one of those great experiences that fills you with the joy of life.  But if not . . .  well, I'm issuing myself an exemption here.  Normally I guarantee a blog on all Mondays and Fridays.  But I may well fall silent next week.  We shall see.

Meanwhile, there's tons of other stuff in the works.  Stay tuned!

Above:  It's the end of the world.  Captured, apparently, on Kodachrome.  Which, again appropriately, is now (save for the rogue roll being kept in a refrigerator somewhere) extinct.



  1. Ha! There's a moment in Mona Lisa Overdrive when Gibson's young heroine, waiting to meet somebody in a VR called Megatokyo, looks around at the radioactive ruins and thinks, "Why do teenage boys like this kind of stuff?"

    A very good question, and one I can't answer. But I know that when I was a teen I would've loved Megatokyo.
