Thursday, April 16, 2009

While Others are Fighting Pirates, I'm Still Writing Books

And Relentlessly Flogging Hope-in-the-Mist: The Extraordinary Career and Mysterious Life of Hope Mirrlees Week continues! Page proofs of the book arrived in the mail yesterday while simultaneously a mock-up of the cover came via the magic of the Intertubes. I'll share the latter with you as soon as it's final.

Meanwhile, over on Neil Gaiman's blog . . .

I found the following nifty little video. Moby gave "Shot in the Back of the Head," an instrumental track from his new CD to David Lynch, who animated it. It's good to have friends in the arts.

You can find Neil's blog here or you can simply Google "Neil" and click on the first item to come up. (Yes! He's bigger than Neil Armstrong.) The blog is full of interesting stuff because the guy is involved in dozens of projects all the time.

Did I mention that he's writing an introduction for my book?



  1. Dude! You got NEIL GAIMAN to write an introduction to your book? Whoa. That must have cost you!! Next thing, you're going to be telling us that CHARLES VESS did an illustration!!?!

  2. Yes, it's true that Neil is a cold, hard, mercenary man who does nothing without being paid for it first. He . . . oh, hell, I can't keep a straight face. It's good to hear from you, Neil, and thanks for the (forthcoming) intro. I'll be giving Charles Vess more blog space soon.
