Friday, March 6, 2009

The Two Names That MUST Be Mentioned

There's a little squib by me in David Lanford's Ansible this month, but the big news is that I'm on the cover of Locus. Okay, so because it's their Forthcoming Books issue I only get a small pic rather than the cover-dominating Titan that is their usual practice. But this is the fourth or fifth time I was interviewed by Locus. Better I should be literally belittled than that it should happen to some new writer getting on the cover for the very first time.

Martha Millard, my agent, called me on an unrelated matter this week and commented on the interview, saying, "Thank you for mentioning the words Darger and Surplus!"

Just a little preview of the sort of ruthless self-promotion I'm going to engage in when the book is finally done.

Why I haven't signed up for Facebook yet . . .

Gardner Dozois is mad to get me onto Facebook. "Why haven't you opened a Facebook account yet?" he asked me.

"What use is it?

"No use at all."

"What kinds of things do people post on it?"

"Usually, just what they had for breakfast."

So I guess I won't be signing up anytime soon. My breakfasts simply aren't that interesting.



  1. What did you have for breakfast, Michael?

    I bet it wasn't as interesting as what Gardner had.

  2. Aww. But we all have accounts. Join Usss!

  3. More than no use at all, anyway. On the shameless self-promotion front, it is another way for people to find you/find out about you - and somewhere to mention inconsequential little things like new books.

    You can also feed your blog posts to it automatically (which you can also do with myspace) write once, be seen multiple places.

    Sexagenarian editors maybe not the best people to ask for advice on new tech - ask a kid instead. :) They'll know more than me.

  4. I check to see whether you joined facebook ever so often... ;)

  5. Facebook, at least my experience with it, is dominated by old friends from college who don't specifically have much to say, but a lot of spare time to say it.

  6. "Pills for breakfast. I am so science fictional." Doktor Sleepless. (From my commonplace book.)

  7. Facebook has two benefits: personal, and professional.

    Personal benefit: the ability to "touch base" with friends informally, instead of awaiting an occasion for [e-]mailing them. (It can also make friends -- I've found a real sense of cameraderie developing with several colleagues I originally "befriended" only out of a sense of obligation.)

    Professional benefit: in addition to what Blue Tyson mentioned, Facebook "updates" come to your potential readers; they don't have to come to you, like with the blog. (Note: do not drop the blog.) Use those updates sparingly, but well. Consider using them occasionally to scheherazade a story. Or as teaser samples for your upcoming books.

    Risk: someone tags you in a photo you'd just as soon not have emerge. (I have one of you at a certain party once upon a time ... 'nuff said. [evil grin])

    p.s. Pills for breakfast are at least safer than the Three Course Dinner Gum. They don't turn you into a giant blueberry, anyway. :)

  8. And I'll bet you aren't "linked in" either.

    My wife got me to sign up for both. Now she's made because I have more "friends" than she does on Facebook. I keep telling her science fiction fans have been organized for far longer than the intertubes have been around...
