Monday, December 22, 2008

Dancing With Marianne

Kyle Cassidy came by the house last week to take my picture for a project he's got brewing.  Kyle is an extraordinary photographer.  His most recent book is Armed America:  Portraits of Gun Owners in Their Homes, a topic which could have been drearily political in less talented hands.  But the book everybody loves most is War Paint:  Tattoo Culture & the Armed Forces.  There's just something extremely close to the bone in the choice of decoration a war-fighter (as they're called now) places on the body that may well be sacrificed for one's country.  There's a lot to think about in those photos.

Obviously, a guy who writes books is not as profound a subject.  But while he was here, Kyle took some shots of me and Marianne together.  There we are, above, dancing in the living room.

What a beautiful woman she is!  What a fortunate man am I!



  1. After we left, Kyle and I were struck by how obviously still in love you and Marianne were. The dancing pictures were, I think the most fun to take.

    Well, those and the ones of you doing "monster hands" like Kyle MacLachlan in Showgirls.

    - Mike V., the assistant

  2. "Still?" It's only been thirty years. We're in this for the long haul.

  3. Michael
    a lovely moment in time !
