Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Call For Photos

I'm working on my column on the World Science Fiction Convention in Denver for Science Fiction World, China's premier science fiction magazine, and they've asked me to include some photos.

The trouble is that I took very few photos at Denvention.  I was working!  So . . . if any of you guys have posted Worldcon photos that you'd be willing to let be used in a Chinese SF zine, could you let me know the URL?

There's no money in this, I'm afraid, but I can arrange a photo credit for any pictures used.  If you're an amateur photographer, that qualifies as bragging rights.  (If you're a pro, you've already moved on.)  I'm particularly interested in pix from the Hugos and the costume event.

So . . . somebody?  Anybody?

And from my own small stock of Denvention photos . . .

Up above is a truly terrifying photo I took of David Hartwell  in all his full-tilt-boogie sartorial splendor, shortly before he won the Hugo for Best Editor -- Long Form.  Oh, the humanity!  Even the presence of Pat Cadigan cannot meliorate the horror.

And as always . . .

I've updated Pastor Marcia's Journal.  In the latest episode, Marcia has a motorcycle accident and reveals that "Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in the Emergency Room."  Meanwhile, in Poem du Jour,  I praise the bawdy, fleshy, X-rated poetry of . . . Shel Silverstein?



  1. Scott Edelman always has a good set of photos. (even ones of me!)


  2. Thanks, Oz. I'll get in touch with him.
