Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Secret Rules (number one in an occasional series)

Reading over the comments about my recent appearance at Robin's Book Store, I realized that there's a lot of lore that all us Old Hands know, but which has never been written down.  I like to think of them as the Secret Rules.  So, from time to time, as the thought occurs to me, I'm going to put them into print.  Here's the first, and a useful one it is too:

If the people on a panel outnumber the audience, they are allowed to adjourn the panel, audience and all, to a table in the bar, where the panel will be held as an informal discussion.

There is no hard-and-fast rule on who pays for the drinks.



  1. This makes me sorry I missed the reading at Robin's!

  2. That's segregation on a continental basis, that is!
