Friday, August 14, 2020

Virtual Bradbury Panel "at" the Enoch Pratt!


In this era  ofsheltering-in-place, people need conventions, panels, intellectual distractions and, above all, celebrations of Ray Bradbury! This is, after all, the great fantasist's centenary year.

So the Enoch Pratt Free Library is hosting and posting an online event, Ray Bradbury and the Future of Speculative Fiction. As the graphic above says, this Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30 p.m.

It begins with short readings from Bradbury's work  by:

Justina Ireland

Michael Swanwick

Sam Weller

and David Wright

Followed by a panel discussion with all four of us, moderated by Sarah Pinsker.

It ought to be a lot of fun and, of course, it's free.

You can find details at the library website here or their Facebook account here.
